Review: The Walking Dead: The Alien

(Panel Syndicate-2016)

Writer- Brian K Vaughan

Artist- Marcos Martin

It all started on Twitter in March of 2015.  Robert Kirkman, the creator of the insanely popular The Walking Dead had a question for writer, Brian K Vaughan, “Can Image print a collection of The Private Eye yet? C’mon!”. Continue reading

REVIEW: ‘The Walking Dead’ #125

(Image Comics, 2014)

Written by Robert Kirkman
Pencil and Cover by Charlie Adlard
Inking by Stefano Gaudiano
Gray Tones by Cliff Rathburn
Lettering by Rus Wooton
Cover Colors by Dave Stewart

The Walking Dead #125: All Out War (Chapter 11 of 12)

Please Robert Kirkman! End this prolonged madness that you have incited on the zombie-filled world. Have you ever actually read your Letter Hacks? Don’t you know that people are the source of your income? Why do you continue to draw out this never ending saga of – who has the bigger stick? Continue reading