REVIEW: ‘Animal Man’ #27

(DC Comics, 2014)

Written by Jeff Lemire
Artwork by Rafael Albuquerque
Color Artwork by Dave McVaig
Lettering by Jared K. Fletcher

Jeff Lemire promised us a “perfect ending for the Baker family” and as the finale of one the best and most consistent series in the New 52 inches ever closer Lemire seems like he is going to make good on that promise. This issue returns to the business of resolving existing plot threads in a big way after last issue’s brief cosmic departure. Continue reading

REVIEW: “Swamp Thing” #26

(DC Comics, 2013)

Review by Shawn Warner

Written by Charles Soule
Artwork by Jesus Saiz
Color Artwork by Matthew Wilson
Lettering by Travis Lanham

When I first heard that Charles Soule was going to be following Scott Snyder on Swamp Thing I wasn’t very familiar with his work and being a huge fan of Snyder’s, I maintained a wait and see attitude.  I honestly didn’t expect Continue reading