‘The Couch Nerd’: ‘the Walking Dead’, Episode 9 Recap

The Walking Dead has finally returned to AMC after what has felt like the longest break in television history. As the dreary winter month of February drudges along, last night’s episode was filled with mutilated zombies and many new unanswered questions. While The Walking Dead comics are currently a jumbled catastrophe, the television show is fulfilling Continue reading

‘The Couch Nerd’ with Galen Garner, Episode 3


Ladies and Gentleman! With great news comes great responsibility. That is exactly what is on the plate now for the likes of Marvel Television and Netflix. The two corporate giants have decided to team up for what will be four new television shows leading up to a mini-series of The Defenders. The four shows will be Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Iron Fist, and Luke Cage. Continue reading

‘The Couch Nerd’ with Galen Garner, Episode 1

The Couch Nerd: Bag and Bored’s Weekly Television Report
By Galen Garner


Welcome to The Couch Nerd. This is Bag and Bored’s newest addition to our already wonderful site full of reviews on comics and entertainment. I am Galen and I will be your guide this fall as we explore the upcoming television shows that will definitely tickle your inner nerd. Continue reading