FILM REVIEW: ‘Captain America: Winter Soldier’


Captain America: The Winter Soldier completely redefines the playing field for what a successful superhero movie should be. Since the creation of Marvel Studios there has never been a better movie than the new saga about America’s illustrious Captain, Steve Rogers (Chris Evans). Filled with action-packed excitement, heart-wrenching drama, and exceptional visuals, Captain America: The Winter Soldier has completely reset the stage for every superhero movie that will ever follow. Continue reading

REVIEW: ‘Velvet’ #3

(Image Comics, 2014)

Review by Shawn Warner

Written by Ed Brubaker
Artwork by Steve Epting
Color Artwork by Elizabeth Breitweiser
Lettering by Chris Eliopoulos

Ed Brubaker and Steve Epting have not wasted a single panel thus far in establishing the character Velvet as a force to be reckoned with in the world of espionage. Brubaker includes all of the essential spy-thriller tropes circa 1960’s yet enhances them with a distinct Continue reading