REVIEW: “Thanos Rising” #2

(Marvel Comics, 2013)

Review by Shawn Warner

WRITTEN BY:  Jason Aaron
ARTWORK BY:  Simone Bianchi
LETTERING BY:  VC’s Clayton Cowles

Thanos’ superior intellect was fueled by an inquisitive restlessness that led to macabre experimentation at a young age. As a young adolescent he was creating an ever widening chasm between himself and his classmates. This is evident when dissecting a lizard for class he is instructed to label all the major organs and organ systems Thanos not only completes the assignment before anyone else he also catalogues the stomach contents, extrapolates its life history and determines the cause of death of the creature. Continue reading

REVIEW: “Thanos Rising” #1

(Marvel Comics, 2013)

Review by Cory Thrall

WRITER:  Jason Aaron
ARTWORK:  Simone Bianchi
COLOR ARTWORK:  Simone Peruzzi
Lettering:  VC’s Clayton Cowles

‘Thanos Rising’ is a very surprising title, and one that broke my expectations wide open.  I had figured I would enjoy it, especially since the awesome Jason Aaron is on writing duties.  I found this book to be so much more than I had originally thought – so much richer in story, and a very personal one, at that. Continue reading