REVIEW: ‘Starlight’ #3

(Image Comics, 2014)

Created by Mark Millar & Goran Parlov
Written by Mark Millar
Artwork by Goran Parlov
Color Artwork by Ive Svorcina

Mark Millar has captured the spirit of Star Wars, the nostalgia of Flash Gordon, the adventure of Indiana Jones and Buck Rogers and thrown in his usual heaping helping of over- the- top violence; the result is Continue reading

REVIEW: ‘Silver Surfer’ #2

(Marvel Comics, 2014)

Storytellers: Dan Slott & Mike Allred
Color Artwork by: Laura Allred
Lettering by VC’s Clayton Clowes

Michael Allred and Dan Slott are riding an entirely unique wave with their new Silver Surfer series. Vastly different from the previous Surfer stories by Steve Englehart, Jim Starlin, Ron Marz and the stellar list of writers who have penned Surfer mini-series; this series seems to place a bit more emphasis on humor and heart than the more traditional science fiction tropes like epic space battles and complex techno-centric jargon. Continue reading

REVIEW: ‘Rai’ #1

(Valiant Entertainment, 2014)

Written by Matt Kindt
Art by Clayton Crain
Letters by Dave Panphear

The tech bug was one that didn’t bite me.  I never had a need to know how things worked, never had that wonder when looking at a computer as to how the words I typed showed on the screen.  Facebook and Twitter are a constant mystery to me.  This bewilderment with technology also seems to have extended to my interests in reading Continue reading

REVIEW: ‘Fuse’ #3

(Image Comics, 2014)

Written by Antony Johnston
Illustrated by Justin Greenwood
Colored by Shari Chankhamma
Lettered by Ed Brisson

A planet in crisis, politically and socially, a murder at the heart of the corruption…it’s all in Fuse #3 releasing this week from Image.

Antony Johnston (Wasteland, Umbral) takes his love of the crime comic and fuses it Continue reading

REVIEW: ‘Manifest Destiny’ #6

(Image Comics, 2014)

Written by Chris Dingess
Artwork by Matthew Roberts
Color Artwork by Owen Gieni

Chris Dingess and Matthew Roberts have taken on the daunting task of consistently raising the bar set by the previous issue of their incredibly imaginative series and it looks like they have done it yet again as they wrap up the current arc and speed headlong into the next exciting chapter. Issue six of Manifest Destiny is written at full speed; the narrative is full of high Continue reading

REVIEW: ‘The Fuse’ #2

(Image Comics, 2014)

Written by Antony Johnston
Illustrated by Justin Greenwood
Colored by Shari Chankhamma
Lettered by Ed Brisson

Image was always the first company to push the creator more than the comic. It gave us the rock star creators of the 90’s, and despite the glut of amazing garbage that we saw during that time; there were gems as well. Who can forget the first time they saw Continue reading

REVIEW: ‘Monster Massacre II’

(Titan Comics, 2014)

Written by Various
Artwork by Various
Edited by Dave Elliot

*Suggested for a mature audience…and they ain’t lyin’.

For a long time I didn’t know what kind of music I liked. (Keep reading, this is actually going somewhere in the realm of comics.) I blame my grandpa for this, and not in a bad way. When I was a kid he would wake us with marching band music. Nothing rouses you out of bed at 6 a.m. like the dulcet tones of John Phillip Sousa or K.L. King. Continue reading

REVIEW: ‘Tales of Honor’ #1

(Top Cow/Image Comics, 2014)

Writer – Matt Hawkins
Artist – Jung-Geun Yoon
Letterer – Troy Peteri
Editor – Betsy Gonia

I grew up reading the Asimov’s Science Fiction and The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, both the small, reader’s digest size magazines that fit so well into your back pocket or hid perfectly in that small front zippered pocket of your backpack. At the time Continue reading

REVIEW: ‘Stronghold: The Chains’ #1-3

(Red Line Comics, 2013)

Script and Story – Brian Visaggio
Story, Art, Letters – Kevin Roberts
Story – Martin Krause

The business of comics is not easy to break into, and was even harder to do so a decade ago. But with the advent of new sharing technology, the popularity of sites like Comixology as a medium for comic reading and transfer of data, and the rise of social media like Twitter and Facebook, it has become possible for people to put their own projects out there. Continue reading

REVIEW: ‘Black Science’ #4

(Image Comics, 2014)

Written by Rick Remender
Artwork by Matteo Scalera
Painted Artwork by Dean White
Lettering & Design by Rus Wooton

Rick Remender’s engrossing tale of Grant McKay and his group of stranded Dimensionauts takes a dark turn in this issue. So far the wayward band of dimension hopping anarchists have seemed to be a fairly close knit unit however Continue reading

REVIEW: ‘Trillium’ #5

(DC Comics/Vertigo, 2014)

Written & Illustrated by Jeff Lemire
Lettered by Carlos M. Mangual

I’ve been putting off writing about Trillium for months now. I was going to review #1 but it had already been claimed for review by the time I got in touch with Cory if I remember correctly. With each issue that I’ve read I’ve felt less and less inclined to write about the engaging, estranging, frustrating, atmospheric, experimental beast that is Trillium, one of the most interesting comics of 2013. Continue reading

REVIEW: ‘Bigfoot: Sword of the Earthman’ #5

(Brewhouse Comics, 2014)

Written by Josh S. Henaman
Line Artwork by Andy Taylor
Color Artwork by Tamra Bonvillain

‘Bigfoot: Sword of the Earthman’ has been an immensely epic and unique sword & sci-fi mash-up since the get-go.  The entire run up to this point has followed that lead and run with it, far enough to where the lines between the normally divisive ‘fantasy’ and ‘sci-fi’ genres are so blurred they’ve become their own separate world. Continue reading

REVIEW: ‘Disney Kingdoms: Seekers of the Weird’ #1

(Marvel Comics, 2014)

Review by Kenneth Kimbrough

Writer: Brandon Seifert
Penciler: Karl Moline
Inker: Rick Magyar
Colorist: Jean-Francois Beaulieu
Letterer: VC’s Joe Caramagna

First, a history lesson. While Disney’s Haunted Mansion was still in the concept stage, famed Imagineer Rolly Crump contributed a series of designs for a spill area called “The Museum of the Weird”—a walkthrough section populated with all sorts of strange, supernatural oddities.  Sensing that this was something unique, Walt Disney planned to make the Museum of the Weird into its own attraction Continue reading

REVIEW: “Black Science” #1

(Image Comics, 2013)

Review by Shawn Warner

Written by Rick Remender
Artwork by Matteo Scalera
Color Artwork by Dean White
Letters by Rus Wooton

I was out of breath by the time I reached the final page of Black Science #1, exhausted and elated I had just experienced sequential storytelling perfection.  Rick Remender, Matteo Scalera and Dean White have created Continue reading

FILM REVIEW: “Elysium”

Elysium Film Review
Directed & Written by: Neill Blomkamp (The District 9 guy).

Review by Franco Romualdez

It’s time for a Revolution!

Elysium has given Sci-Fi its balls back. In my opinion, director Neill Blomkamp has equaled, if not nearly reached, what he achieved with District 9. Elysium is a good film on the surface, but it becomes a great film when you really dig into the message Blomkamp intended to communicate. Continue reading