REVIEW: ‘Shutter’ #1

(Image Comics, 2014)

Writer & Co-Creator: Joe Keatinge
Artist & Co Creator: Leila Del Duca
Colorist: Owen Gieni
Letterer: Ed Brisson

I’ve come to a point where first issues, good first issues, have become an annoyance. Don’t get me wrong, I love being able to catch hold of that bouncing rope hanging from the hot-air balloon, hanging on for dear life as the story hauls you into the air and…then the first issue ends. The tips of your toes have left furrows in the ground, the rubber toes of your shoes across the grass just enough to stain them and then Continue reading

REVIEW: “Sandman: Overture” #1

(Vertigo Comics, 2013)

Review by Shawn Warner

Written by: Neil Gaiman
Artwork by: J.H. Williams III
Color Artwork by: Dave Stewart
Lettering by: Todd Klein

Someone turned back the clocks too far this Day Light Savings Time, instead of one hour time has been turned back to the 90’s. That’s obvious because Sandman is still on the racks of our local comic shops and just as amazing as ever. Is this an episode of The Twilight Zone? Continue reading

REVIEW: “Saga” #15

(Image Comics, 2013)

Review by Shawn Warner

Written by: Brian K. Vaughan
Artwork by: Fiona Staples
Lettering by: Fonographiks

Please indulge me while I state the glaringly obvious, Saga is one of the most brilliant comic books ever conceived by human mind and executed by human hand. The key word here being human because that is what makes this book so captivating and gratifying issue after issue Continue reading