REVIEW: ‘Twilight Zone’ #4

(Dynamite Entertainment, 2014)

Written by J. Michael Straczynski
Illustrated by Guiu Vilanova
Colored by Vinivius Andrade
Lettered by Rob Steen
Main Cover by Francesco Francavilla

The Twilight Zone #4.  What can I say about this comic, as it hits the stands this week, that I haven’t already said in reviews for the previous three?  Dynamite comics is on the forefront of the comic reboot business, and they’re doing it the right way, getting top talent to breathe new vibrant life into books whose rights might otherwise be moldering in a drawer in the basement of some abandoned comic warehouse somewhere. Continue reading

REVIEW: ‘Kill Me’ #1-3

(Dark Horse Comics, 2014)

Kill Me 1-3
Collected in Dark Horse Presents #31-#33

Writer – Chad Lambert
Artist – Christine Larsen
Letterer – Jaymes Reed

Everyone can look back on a past event and wish it had turned out differently. Most of the ones that really tug at the emotional heartstrings are those in which we behaved poorly. (It seems for me that the blue and yellow lockers of my high school’s hallways frame nearly all of these.) There is always a moment when we can be more compassionate to others and for whatever reason choose not to be.

Continue reading

REVIEW: ‘Twilight Zone’ #3

(Dynamite Entertainment, 2014)

Written by – J. Michael Straczynski
Illustrated by – Guiu Vilanova
Colored by – Vinivius Andrade
Lettered by – Bob Steen
Main Cover by – Francesco Francavilla

*There are going to be spoilers, this is the third issue for crying out loud!

If Rod Serling was going to finger someone to write an ongoing of his legendary Twilight Zone television series other than himself, it may well have been J. Michael Straczynski. Continue reading

REVIEW: ‘Twilight Zone’ #2

(Dynamite Entertainment, 2014)

Written by J. Michael Straczynski
Illustrated by Guiu Vilanova
Colored by Vinivius Andrade
Lettered by Rob Steen
Main Cover by Francesco Francavilla

I have always been a fan of The Twilight Zone. It brings to mind cold winter evenings staying at my grandmother’s house, the smell of popcorn made in a pan on the stove with far more butter than was healthy for me, and so much salt that your lips would be chapped for days afterwards. Continue reading

REVIEW: ‘Twilight Zone’ #1

(Dynamite Entertainment, 2013)

Review by Shawn Warner

Written by J. Michael Straczynski
Artwork by Guiu Vilanova
Color Artwork by Vinicius Andrade
Lettering by Rob Steen

J. Michael Straczynski returns to one of the titles he cut his comic book teeth on, The Twilight Zone. With his history in television writing, this title works perfectly with his talents and provides an ideal vehicle for his very fast paced style of storytelling. Continue reading

REVIEW: “Boo!: Halloween Stories” #1-3

(Monkeybrain Comics, 2013)

Review by Brad Gischia

CREATED BY: Jon Morris & Manning Krull

Aside: In college I took a pre-requisite class on publishing your work. I submitted a story that I meant to publish to the prof and was rebutted with…”this is fun. Too bad there’s no place to publish the fun stuff…”

Now I saw to you…college prof…there is a place to publish the “fun stuff”. Look no further than Boo at Monkeybrain Comics, and you’ll see that there are people out there doing just that. Filling our heads with “the fun stuff”. Thank you Jon Morris and Manning Krull. Continue reading