Review: The Multiversity: Pax Americana #1

(DC Comics, 2014)

Grant Morrison- Writer
Frank Quitely- Artist

The Lemniscate, The Cassini Oval, The Devil’s Curve, The Mobius Strip, these are all names for the twisted cylinder used to represent the concept of infinity, it is also a recurring theme in what is hands down the most brilliant single issue of 2014. However, to refer to Grant Morrison and Frank Quitely’s Pax Americana as a single issue is somewhat misleading due to the fact that it reads much more like a graphic novel; thematically as well as for sheer quantity of content, this book contains not one single superfluous panel. Morrison and his longtime collaborator Quitely have crafted a work of storytelling brilliance as well as an exploration of mathematical theorem as applied to a literary endeavor.

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Bag and Bored’s ‘Best of 2013’: KENNETH KIMBROUGH

BEST OF 2013
with Kenneth Kimbrough

As the year closes, it’s time to reflect on the different things that made it great and the other things that made it not so great. I tend to frown on the word “best” mostly because I majored in philosophy and I’m pretentious. So let’s just consider this more or less a “Favorites of 2013” list. Continue reading