REVIEW: ‘Goof’ #1 – 3

(New World Comics, 2013)

Written by Guy Hasson
Art by Guillermo Ramirez Issue #1
Borja Pindado Issue #2 and #3

“The World’s Goofiest Superhero?”  There could be a hundred different heroes that creep into your grey matter to fit this bill.  Super Goof, or, Disney’s Goofy in long wooly underwear, was the first that struck me.  There are no shortage of silly heroes, dunderheads and clumsy oafs who are given the chance to live a “super” life and completely mess it up, as is their wont. Continue reading

REVIEW: ‘Kill Me’ #1-3

(Dark Horse Comics, 2014)

Kill Me 1-3
Collected in Dark Horse Presents #31-#33

Writer – Chad Lambert
Artist – Christine Larsen
Letterer – Jaymes Reed

Everyone can look back on a past event and wish it had turned out differently. Most of the ones that really tug at the emotional heartstrings are those in which we behaved poorly. (It seems for me that the blue and yellow lockers of my high school’s hallways frame nearly all of these.) There is always a moment when we can be more compassionate to others and for whatever reason choose not to be.

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BRAIN TRUST: Following Monkeybrain Comics, Episode 1

I’ve noticed in past months that small publisher Monkeybrain Comics has been putting out comics at a rate that seems almost unreal. To keep up with the constant, high-end output of this indie powerhouse, we here at are going to try out a feature here that will cover recent comics. For the inaugural piece, I’ve got three title, five books total, to run through with you, faithful reader. No matter what your feeling on indie comics as a whole, I’ve found that Monkeybrain is constantly at the top of its game. Continue reading

REVIEW: “Bela Lugosi’s Tales From the Grave” #4

(Monsterverse, July 2013)

Review by Brad Gischia

Publisher/Editor – Kerry Gammill
Writers – Mark Finn, Lowell Isaac, Ed Polgardy,
Michael Leal, Kerry Gammill
Artists – John Lucas, Bill Sienkiewicz, Lowell Isaac,
Rob Brown, Nik Poliwko, Kerry Gammill

*This is not exactly a new book, but also not that old, having come out in July. Here’s to back orders and overstock my friends!

While giving a grumbling congratulation to the Boston Red Sox for their World Series victory, one cannot overlook the importance of a manager. John Farrell took a last place team to first place in the span of a year with very little change in the assembled talent. Continue reading