REVIEW: ‘Sovereign’ #2

(Image Comics, 2014)

Writer – Chris Roberson
Artist – Paul Maybury
Colors – Paul Maybury, with Jordan Gibson & Brad Simpson
Letters – John J. Hill

As a writer and occasional fan of science fiction and fantasy, I have of course read The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit, two benchmark books in the creation on sustainability of a fictional world. To instill a sense of reality and solidity in a complete fiction is a mountainous realm of improbability. How do you make it feel real while continuing to keep it interesting? Continue reading

REVIEW: ‘Tales of Honor’ #1

(Top Cow/Image Comics, 2014)

Writer – Matt Hawkins
Artist – Jung-Geun Yoon
Letterer – Troy Peteri
Editor – Betsy Gonia

I grew up reading the Asimov’s Science Fiction and The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, both the small, reader’s digest size magazines that fit so well into your back pocket or hid perfectly in that small front zippered pocket of your backpack. At the time Continue reading