REVIEW: ‘Forever Evil’ #6

(DC Comics, 2014)

Written by Geoff Johns
Artwork by David Finch
Inks by Richard Friend
Color Artwork by Sonia Oback

The penultimate issue of Forever Evil is certainly a big one.  It has big action, big violence and big reveals but does it have big heart? Continue reading

REVIEW: ‘Superior Spider-Man’ #28

(Marvel Comics, 2014)

Writer: Dan Slott
Pencils: Giuseppe Camuncoli
Inks: John Dell
Colors: Antonio Fabela
Letters: Chris Eliopoulos

This is another excellent issue in the final arc on The Superior Spider-Man. There’s your review. I don’t know how many times I have to tell you to pick up this book.

Have you bought it? Good. It’s spoilers from here on out. Rosebud is a sled. Continue reading