REVIEW: ‘Iron Fist: the Living Weapon’ #1

(Marvel Comics, 2014)

Written & Drawn by Kaare Andrews

Kaare Kyle Andrews is the kind of comicbook (one word as per Stan Lee) writer/artist I most respect; he is a fan turned creator. Andrews writes with the kind of passion that only someone truly in love with the medium could muster and he knows his continuity cold. I recently listened to an interview with Andrews on the Word Balloon podcast and it was Continue reading

REVIEW: ‘Shaolin Cowboy’ #4

(Dark Horse Comics, 2014)

Review by Jeremiah Kielman

Written by & Artwork by Geof Darrow

I love Shaolin Cowboy.  I loved the prose format I was introduced to him in, and don’t know why it’s not done more often.  Baltimore was introduced to us in the same manner, prose with pictures.  Reminds me of the old Hobbit book I had as a kid Continue reading

‘Lost in the Longbox’, Episode 23: “Incredible Hulk” #378 (1991)


The Incredible Hulk #378
(Marvel Comics, 1991)

Written by Peter David
Pencils by Bill Jaaska
Inks by Jeff Albrecht
Letters by Joe Rosen
Colors by Glynis Oliver

Greetings from the Wasteland!

Nothing brings that warm holiday feeling to your heart like the smell of fresh-baked cookies, a warm cup of coffee, and the slightly musty odor of an old comic, pulled freshly from its companions and brought to the counter, money in hand to add it to your own personal stash. Continue reading