Review: The Curiosity Shop #1

(DimThroat Comics-2017)

Creator: Brad Gischia

Colors: Lesley Atlansky

Letters: Zakk Saam

Sometimes life sucks. Sometimes we don’t get exactly what we want. Sometimes a crazy robed figure looking for an occult specialty item invades your town, and you are thrown into things without an invitation or nary a warning. Continue reading

Review: Lonesomes #1 and #2

Writer – Ryan Little

Pencils and Inks – Eder Messias

Colors – Fahriza Kamaputra

Letters – Jamie Me

Addl. Letters – Nick Warner

Tom Auld is lonely in a way that only a young person can be lonely.  He feels cut off from his family and his peers, and the old people ,teachers, just don’t connect.  It’s exactly the kind of person that the Lonesomes appear to. Continue reading

Review: Chum #1

(ComixTribe 2016)

Writer: Ryan K. Lindsay

Art: Sami Kivelä

Colors: Mark Dale

Letterer: Nic J. Shaw

Editor: Dan Hill

When you have a story with sex, murder, mystery, and a bag full of drug money, what could be better?  In this case, if the backdrop is an island surf town. Continue reading

Review: Four Kids Walk Into A Bank #1

(Black Mask Studios 2016)

Art/Design by Tyler Boss

Flatting  by Clare Dezutti

Lettering by Thomas Mauer

Wallpaper Design by Courtney Menard

Writing by Matthew Rosenberg

People get into a rut.  You read book upon book, comic upon comic, commenting all the way, and then you realize, am I still doing this because I like it, or because I feel the impending NCBD coming and I’m not caught up on what happened last month?  Then you pick up a book like Four Kids Walk Into A Bank, and you feel the urge to read and write and review some more. Continue reading

Interview: Matt Miner

To introduce Matt Miner is to introduce the quintessential indie creator. Matt is a man who has figured out how to translate his passions into a specialized media outlet. He is a man who has strong opinions, and those opinions are not, at first glance, easily translated into a comic book.

His first series with Black Mask Studios, Liberator, focused on people who would go to any length to save animals from abuse. That book was popular enough to spawn two follow-up series, Liberator/Earth Crisis and Critical Hit. Matt’s latest book is called Toe Tag Riot, a zombie curse tale that cause the Westboro Baptist Church to label him an “insincere perv”.

Matt Miner was kind enough to answer a few questions for us regarding his many projects and what the future might hold for this indie comic creator. Continue reading

REVIEW: Matt Miner Double-Feature TTR#3 and Critical Hit #4

(Black Mask Studios, 2015)

Toe Tag Riot #3
Written by Matt Miner
Pencils, Inks, and Letters by Sean Von Gorman
Colors by Savanna Ganucheau

 Critical Hit #4
Written by Matt Miner
Pencils and Inks by Jonathan Brandon Sawyer
Colors by Doug Garbark
Letters by Jim Campbell

Multiple projects. It’s the wish and the curse of every working person. You want to stay busy and at the same time you feel so busy you can’t catch up. Continue reading

REVIEW: A Taste For Killing #3: Reaper of the Abyss

(Acid i Comics 2014)

Story and Art by Nikkol Jelenic

Pinups and short stories by Leo Cherry, Jeff Bonesteel, Josh Shockley, James Dufendach, Mark McKenna, and Brian Spicer

I know I’m dating myself here, but my first experience with mermaids in pop culture was seeing Darryl Hannah splash about in a bath tub while Tom Hanks gawped at the floppy orange tail. Splash came out in 1984 and colored my vision of mer-people (wait, there are boy fish people?) for many years. There’s something you should know before reading A Taste For Killing #3…these ain’t Ron Howard’s mermaids.

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Review: Toe Tag Riot #1

(Black Mask Studios, 2014)

Toe Tag Riot #1
Written by Matt Miner
Pencils and Inks by Sean Von Gorman
Colors by John Rauch
Lettered by Sean Von Gorman

Matt Miner, king of the Kickstarter komics, extra “k” for dramatic effect, is back, and with a hunger that can only be satiated by human flesh and punk rock.  Toe Tag Riot #1, the much-anticipated first issue of Miner’s latest series, is on shelves Wednesday, and it is everything that you’d expect from Mr. Miner.

Along with longtime collaborator Sean Von Gorman, Miner drops his newest offering to the comic gods in the form of a zombie punk band, ready to chew up the competition and gnaw through the mores established by rock and roll icons.

Toe Tag Riot is not only the name of the comic but also that of the featured players in the story.  They are a band formed of various long-timers, those who stood out from other bands and couldn’t handle the b.s. that goes with working with musicians.   Continue reading

REVIEW: ‘Jack of Spades’ #1

(Sourcepoint Press, 2014)

Written by Trico Lutkins
Art by Joshua Werner

I love social media, from a comic book and reviewer standpoint, because of the ability it gives me to get into contact with people actually working in the industry. To know that the writer of a book read my review and enjoyed it, or that I caught the subtlety in a piece of art that the artist hoped the reader would get, it makes it all worth it.

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REVIEW: ‘The Crow: Pestilence’ #1

(IDW Publishing, 2014)

Writer: Frank Bill
Artist: Drew Moss
Colorist: Oliver Lee Arce
Editor: Sarah Gaydos

In 1989 I was fully in the thrall of the X-Men and Spider-Man, but there were other books out there, something mysterious called “indie” comics, that would shape my later life. 1994 saw the release of The Crow, the Brandon Lee film, and I was enthralled. It was a superhero movie. We were on the heels of Batman Returns Continue reading