REVIEW: ‘Amazing Spider-Man’ #1

(Marvel Comics, 2014)

Main Story:
Written by Dan Slott
Pencils by Humberto Ramos
Inks by Victor Olazaba
Color Artwork by Edgar Delgado

(Credits for Back-Up Stories below)

The past 31 issues of Superior Spider-Man have featured some of the most entertaining and engrossing stories to be found anywhere; the melding of Peter Parker and Otto Octavius was a stroke of pure creative genius on the part of Dan Slott, the resulting character was so much more than Continue reading

REVIEW: ‘Superior Spider-Man’ #26

(Marvel Comics, 2014)

Writer: Dan Slott
Pencils: Humberto Ramos, Javier Rodriguez, Marcos Martin
Inks: Victor Olazaba, Alvaro Lopez, Marcos Martin
Colors: Edgar Delgado, Javier Rodriguez, & Marcos Martin
Letters: Chris Eliopoulos

Note: If you read anything on the internet, you probably know the major spoiler that follows the conclusion of the upcoming Goblin Nation storyline. If you don’t know about it yet, skip this review. Thar be spoilers. Continue reading

REVIEW: ‘Superior Spider-Man’ #25

(Marvel Comics, 2014)

Review by Kenneth Kimbrough

Writers: Dan Slott & Christos Gage
Pencils: Humberto Ramos
Inks: Victor Olazaba
Colors: Edgar Delgado, Antonio Fabela, & Veronica Gandini
Letters: Chris Eliopoulos

All right. Let’s take a minute to address the rumors—no spoilers. If you know what I’m referring to, great. If not, skip to the next paragraph. I listen to a lot of Spider-Man podcasts and read a lot of Spider-Man news, and I’ll admit, it has kind of ruined the comic for me. When you hear enough speculation, some of it is bound to be right, and if you follow the resulting lines of reasoning, it’s difficult to remain surprised. Continue reading

REVIEW: “Superior Spider-Man” #24

(Marvel Comics, 2013)

Review by Kenneth Kimbrough

Writers: Dan Slott & Christos Gage
Pencils: Humberto Ramos
Inks: Victor Olazaba
Colors: Edgar Delgado, Antonio Fabela, & Veronica Gandini
Letters: Chris Eliopoulos

Remember my last few reviews of The Superior Spider-Man? Did they seem tepid? Did I seem reluctant to give the book a positive review? Did I seem less than thrilled with the recent story?
Well, it’s time for me to eat crow because the entire team brings their A-game Continue reading

REVIEW: “Superior Spider-Man” #23

(Marvel Comics, 2013)

Review by Kenneth Kimbrough

Writers: Dan Slott & Christos Gage
Pencils: Humberto Ramos
Inks: Victor Olazaba
Colors: Edgar Delgado
Letters: Chris Eliopoulos

Sometimes, all you want from a Spider-Man book is some symbiotes, spider-bots, and subplots. In this issue, Dan Slott and Christos Gage deliver that in spades. After the previous issue’s exposition-heavy script, I’m glad to see many of the story threads move forward. Continue reading

REVIEW: “Superior Spider-Man” #22

(Marvel Comics, 2013)

Review by Kenneth Kimbrough

Writer: Dan Slott & Christos Gage
Pencils: Humberto Ramos
Inks: Victor Olazaba
Colors: Edgar Delgado
Letters: Chris Eliopoulos

It can sometimes be difficult to gauge the quality of a story arc from its first issue. If I were to make a list of things I’m sad we didn’t see in the inaugural meeting between Flash Thompson in the Venom identity and his hero, Spider-Man, then those very things could happen in the next issue. Continue reading