REVIEW: “Buzzkill” #4

(Dark Horse Comics, 2013)

Review by Shawn Warner

Written by Donny Cates & Mark Reznicek
Artwork by Geoff Shaw
Color Artwork by Lauren Affe

The final issue of Buzzkill is an emotional gauntlet full of gut-level honesty that paints a uniquely authentic portrait of addiction complete with the contrasting moments of cacophonous chaos and the quietude of cathartic silence. Continue reading

REVIEW: “Locke and Key: Alpha” #2

(IDW Publishing, 2013)

Review by Jeremiah Kielman

Written by Joe Hill
Artwork by Gabriel Rodriquez
Color Artwork by Jay Fotos
Lettering by Robbie Robbins

Endings and loose ends.  That is what we get in this the final installation of the much loved Locke & Key series by Joe Hill.  And there was no shortage of loose ends to tie up in this long running series. Continue reading