Review: Seraphim 266613336 Wing

Serialized in Animage (1994-1996)

Published in the U.S. by Dark Horse Comics (2015)

Story by Mamoru Oshii, Art by Satoshi Kon

Summary: The signs were there, if anyone had read them. By the time they noticed, it was too late.

It began on the cusp of the twenty-first century. An unknown disease appeared from deep inside Eurasia, then spread uncontrollably until it decimated the continent. Continue reading

Review: Shadow Star Vol. 2

Serialized in Afternoon (1998-2003)

Story & Art by Mohiro Kitoh

Published in the U.S. by Dark Horse Comics (2001-2005; Incomplete Run)

Summary: “From a dying planet shall come the children of light…”

While on vacation on a small island, young Shiina Tamai dives under the water near an old shrine and discovers an unearthly starfish-like creature. She nearly drowns but is rescued by the silent, wide-eyed little animal, who Shiina befriends and names Hoshimaru. To Shiina’s surprise and delight, the creature changes shape, lets Shiina stand on him, and the two fly off into the clouds. But what looks to be a young girl’s ultimate fantasy soon takes a darker turn as Shiina and Hoshimaru become entangled in a struggle between rival extraterrestrial factions who battle in the skies upon huge alien beasts called Shadow Dragons, with the fate of Earth hanging in the balance. [Dark Horse] Continue reading

REVIEW: ‘Kill Me’ #1-3

(Dark Horse Comics, 2014)

Kill Me 1-3
Collected in Dark Horse Presents #31-#33

Writer – Chad Lambert
Artist – Christine Larsen
Letterer – Jaymes Reed

Everyone can look back on a past event and wish it had turned out differently. Most of the ones that really tug at the emotional heartstrings are those in which we behaved poorly. (It seems for me that the blue and yellow lockers of my high school’s hallways frame nearly all of these.) There is always a moment when we can be more compassionate to others and for whatever reason choose not to be.

Continue reading

REVIEW: ‘Darth Vader and the Cry of Shadows’ #2

(Dark Horse Comics, 2014)

Review by Jeremiah Kielman

Written by Tim Siedell
Artwork by Gabriel Guzman
Color Artwork by Michael Atiyeh

Betrayal.  The clone once known as CT-5539.  Having assumed the alias Hock Malsuum attempts to deal with the Jedi’s betrayal of himself and really all clones during the War.  He goes about this in different ways during the course of his life. Continue reading

REVIEW: ‘S.H.O.O.T. First’ #1 – 4

(Dark Horse, 2012-2013)

Review by Brad Gischia

Story by Justin Aclin
Art by Nicolas Daniel Selma
Colors by Marlac
Lettering by Amanda Aguilar Selma

*Very moderate Spoilers

If you haven’t read S.H.O.O.T First from Dark Horse, you have just enough time to jump in before issue 4 comes out next Wednesday. If you’re looking for a fast paced shoot ‘em up story, dipped heavily in the realm of the science fiction fantastic, than this is the book for you. Continue reading

THINGS TO COME for January 2014

Things to Come for January 2014
with Kenneth Kimbrough

Welcome to 2014, the year we first get attacked by kaiju and the year when Solid Snake grows a pretty rad stache. As a part of the new year, I’m introducing a feature to the site in which I highlight new releases, reprints, relaunches and just about anything else that tickles me. All of this information can be found in the retailer catalog—PREVIEWS—which your local comic store should carry. Continue reading

Bag and Bored’s ‘Best of 2013’: CORY THRALL

BEST OF 2013
with Cory Thrall

When I started this crazy thing called Bag & Bored I was looking for something to kill some time and have some fun with.  Nothing big, no readership – just silly meanderings on whatever comics I had read that week.  Consider my surprise that here we are over a year later and with quite a cast of reviewers and writers on our team.  One of the major pay-offs with this site has been Continue reading

REVIEW: “Buzzkill” #4

(Dark Horse Comics, 2013)

Review by Shawn Warner

Written by Donny Cates & Mark Reznicek
Artwork by Geoff Shaw
Color Artwork by Lauren Affe

The final issue of Buzzkill is an emotional gauntlet full of gut-level honesty that paints a uniquely authentic portrait of addiction complete with the contrasting moments of cacophonous chaos and the quietude of cathartic silence. Continue reading

REVIEW: “Darth Vader and the Cry of Shadows” #1

(Dark Horse Comics, 2013)

Review by Jeremiah Kielman

Written by Tim Siedell
Artwork by Gabriel Guzman
Color Artwork by Michael Atiyeh

The Star Wars (SW) universe has always held a place in my, and I think every geek of a certain age with the good taste to prefer blasters over phasers, heart.  And Dark Horse has always done Star Wars right.  With the novels it’s hit or miss.  Some authors Continue reading

REVIEW: “Buzzkill” #3

(Dark Horse Comics, 2013)

Review by Shawn Warner

Written by Donny Cates & Mark Reznicek
Artwork by Geoff Shaw
Color Artwork by Lauren Affe

Buzzkill is the story of one addict’s journey to get clean and sober while dealing with the day to day problems of friends (his have names like; Captain Chrome, Panteradactyl, High Guard, Ms. Murder and Battery) Continue reading

REVIEW: “Star Wars” #11

(Dark Horse Comics, 2013)

Review by Zakk Saam

Written by Brian Wood
Artwork by Carlos D’Anda
Color Art by Gabe Eltaeb
Lettering by Michael Heisler

In a galaxy far, far away…

There was non-stop action. Star Wars #11 by Brian Wood (DMZ, Ultimate Comics: X-Men) is a heart pounding ride in a space battle between the Galactic Empire and the Rebel Alliance. Continue reading

‘Lost in the Longbox’ Episode 19: “Sin City” #1


Sin City #1
(Dark Horse, 1991)
Reprinted in Dark Horse One for One in 2010

Story & Art by: Frank Miller

Greetings from the Wasteland!

There are names in the history of comics that will forever be lauded. Lee, Kirby, Schuster, Kane…and so many more helped to form the foundation of the industry, as we know it today. But atop that foundation there must be a structure, and others moved in to build on it. Continue reading

REVIEW: “S.H.O.O.T. First” #1

(Dark Horse Comics, 2013)

Review by Brad Gischia

Story – Justin Aclin
Art – Nicolas Daniel Selma
Colors – Marlac
Lettering – Amanda Aguilar Selma

“Look before you leap…” “Never judge a book by its cover…” these sayings have a way of threading their way into our speech and thought, lessons that books and parents drilled into us to help us as we grew older. I encourage you not to look before you leap on new comic book day Continue reading