Review: Revolution #5

(IDW – 2016)
Writers: John Barber & Cullen Bunn
Art: Fico Ossio
Colors: Sebastian Cheng
Letters Tom B Long
Regular Cover: Tradd Moore & Felipe Sabreiro

The final battle rages at the gates of Autobot City in REVOLUTION #5, as the Transformers, ROM, Micronauts, G.I JOE, Action Man, and M.A.S.K, are faced with the terrifying consequences of Baron Karza’s enerchange with the Ore 13 empowered Dire Wraith leader. The fate of Earth, Cybertron, and Microspace now hang in the balance as new alliances are forged to confront the terrifying wrath of Baron Karza! Continue reading

Review: Revolution #4

Writers: John Barber & Cullen Bunn
Art: Fico Ossio
Colors: Sebastian Cheng
Letters Tom B Long
Regular Cover: Art Tradd Moore / Colors Felipe Sobreiro

Autobot City has been infiltrated in REVOLUTION #4 by the only human on Earth capable of succeeding in such a mission – Snake Eyes. With relations between the Transformers and humanity strained to breaking point, together with ROM’s mission to vanquish the Dire Wraiths and the arrival of the Micronauts from Microspace, the conflict surrounding Ore 13 now reaches a major turning point. Snake Eyes confronts Optimus Prime as the forces of G.I. J.O.E, Miles Mayhem, and M.A.S.K prepare to move into action, but nothing can prepare the heroes of the IDW universe for what they are about to face as the battle lines are drawn! Continue reading

Review: Revolution #3

(IDW 2016)
Writers: John Barber & Cullen Bunn
Art: Fico Ossio
Colors: Sebastian Cheng
Letters Tom B Long

The Micronauts have travelled from Microspace, brining terror and entropy from their universe into our own, and ROM is determined to destroy it! Captain Oziron “Oz” Rael and the crew of the Heliopolis become caught up in the conflict on Earth between the Transformers, Action Man, G.I. JOE, M.A.S.K, and ROM the Space Knight in REVOLUTION #3, as battle lines are drawn. But when M.A.S.K’s Matt Trakker uncovers the truth about the Transformers, Miles Mayhem and G.I. JOE Commander Scarlet have some explaining to do, and after observing events from the sidelines the nefarious Baron Karza prepares to strike. Continue reading

Review: Revolution #2

(IDW 2016)
Writers: John Barber & Cullen Bunn
Art: Fico Ossio
Colors: Sebastian Cheng
Letters Tom B Long

Is ROM the Space Knight a murderer? That’s the burning question that fuels the growing conflict on all fronts in REVOLUTION #2 as the explosive threat of Ore 13 grips the world. As Optimus Prime and the Autobots resolve to hunt ROM down and make him pay for attacking the human forces of G.I. JOE., Commander Scarlet Shana O’Hara must now come to terms with G.I. JOE’s losses, and seek assistance from the only people who can help her save the planet – Miles Mayhem and the special operatives of M.A.S.K Continue reading

Review: Revolution #1

(IDW 2016)
Writers: John Barber & Cullen Bunn
Art: Fico Ossio
Colors: Sebastian Cheng
Letters Tom B Long

Explosive destruction strikes the Earth as the REVOLUTION begins, the battle lines are quickly drawn, and soon the world believes that Optimus Prime and the Transformers are the ones responsible for the chaos. G.I. JOE gathers an elite team of powerful heroes to counteract this new threat, with Action Man and M.A.S.K. fighting to protect the human race – but what role will ROM and the Micronauts play as the conflict unfolds? Continue reading

Review: Micronauts #5

(IDW Publishing -2016)
Writer: Cullen Bunn
Art: Max Dunbar
Colors: David Garcia-Cruz & Ander Zarate
Letters: Tom B. Long

The search for the Time Travelers begins in Micronauts #5, as the threat of the entropy storm closes in. Captain Oziron “Oz’ Rael and his crew are now prisoners of the Force Commander Baron Daigon, but it seems that Oz knows far more about the Pharoids and their connection to the mysterious entities known as the Time Travelers than even his shipmates could have expected, and with Barron Karza about to strike the secrets of past could soon have long lasting repercussions for the Microspace and Earth. Continue reading

REVIEW: ‘The Empty Man’ #1

(BOOM! Studios, 2014)

Written by Cullen Bunn
Art by Vanesa R. Del Rey
Colors by Michael Garland
Letters by Ed Dukeshire

By page nine I was saying to myself…”What the f@#k is going on here?”  And that’s what we’ve come to expect, no to depend upon, when reading a Cullen Bunn comic book.

Bunn (The Sixth Gun) brings his own spin on a horror/contagion comic with The Empty Man, a new series from Boom! Studios. Continue reading

REVIEW: ‘Sinestro’ #1

(DC Comics, 2014)

Written by Cullen Bunn
Artwork by Dale Eaglesham
Color Artwork by Jason Wright
Lettering by Dezi Sienty

I will preface this review by stating the fact that I am an unabashed, full-fledged Green Lantern fan, so unlike many comicbook readers, I welcomed and was even excited at the prospect of another Lantern related title especially one that featured Sinestro as the focal point and star of the series. In the post-Johns era the Green Lantern books have taken on a decidedly more diverse sense of individuality, granted that is due Continue reading

REVIEW: ‘Magneto’ #1

(Marvel Comics, 2014)

Written by Cullen Bunn
Artwork by Gabriel Hernandez Walta
Color Artwork by Jordie Bellaire

Usually the announcement of another X-Men related solo series generates little to no excitement in my sphere of existence.  I much prefer my X-Men in team form.  When I heard that Magneto was going to be the next X-Men team member to get the solo treatment, however, I was more than interested. Continue reading

Interview with Rachel Deering

In the Dark – A Comic Horror Anthology
Interview with Creator Rachel Deering
By: Brad Gischia

Everyone has seen how Kickstarter has changed the indie comics industry.  If you have a good idea and good talent there is nothing that can stop you from getting funding.  Millions of people see the site and donate daily to projects they feel strongly about.  What happens when you take a seasoned comic professional and add the Kickstarter gene into the pool?  In the Dark happens.  Thank you Rachel Deering. Continue reading

REVIEW: “Deadpool Kills Deadpool” #1

(Marvel Comics, 2013)

Review by Shawn Warner

WRITTEN BY:  Cullen Bunn
ARTWORK BY:  Salvador Espin

This is the final entry in the Deadpool trilogy or should I say ”killology” that began with Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe and then the carnage continued in Deadpool: Killustrated. The premise tying these mini-series together is Wade’s desire to remove himself from existence, since he cannot be killed for the most part; it has presented him with a rather unique and vexing dilemma. Continue reading

REVIEW : “Deadpool Killustrated” #4

(Marvel Comics, 2013)

Review by Shawn Warner

WRITTEN BY:  Cullen Bunn
PENCILS BY:  Matteo Lolli
INKS BY:  Sean Parsons
COLOR ARTWORK BY:  Veronica Gandini
LETTERS BY:  VC’s Joe Sabino

Shakespeare, Poe, Kafka, Deadpool. Something has gone horribly awry in the Ideaverse and Sherlock Holmes is on the case. Holmes and his trusted companion Dr. John Watson are on the heels of Deadpool as he leaves a trail of dead bodies consisting of some of literatures most important and innovative characters. Continue reading

REVIEW: “Fearless Defenders” #1

(MARVEL NOW!, 2013)   –   Reviewed by Feral Fang

FearlessDefenders_1_CoverWhen I first began to see the advertisements for “Fearless Defenders”, I thought it looked interesting enough to keep in mind, at least to give it a look when it was released.  The cover caught my attention almost instantly, and I still find it to be a pretty striking cover with strong art.  Then I finally read issue #1, and was amazed by what I found inside.  In all seriousness, this is probably the worst recently released book I’ve read since the Rob Liefeld New 52 “Hawk & Dove”.  The writing from Cullen Bunn is a boring, almost ‘phoned-in’ script, and the story itself was scrambled and oddly paced.  The artwork by Will Sliney looks like poor attempts at copying an already horrid style.  Most of it is very generic, hinting at a few popular and deeply established styles, all while never really being cohesive enough to seem like Sliney has a hold on his own, individual style.  The whole issue was a mess, in all ways it could be.  I will not be looking into this title further.  I really thought there’d be some actual story here, not just reasons to patch together some overdrawn ‘money shots’.  I may be reviewing this book a little harshly, but I really think they have room to move with this title and the characters, but all they’re doing is standing perfectly still, not making a wave or ripple of any kind.  I don’t think there’s anything more that needs to be said.

WRITING:  4 / 10

ARTWORK:  3 / 10

