‘The Weekly Bat-Signals’: Episode #24

Greetings once again fellow Gothamites and welcome to the meeting of Bat-Fans we like to call The Weekly Bat Signal, where we the faithful gather to get all the Gotham gossip and converse about our very own caped and cowled crime fighter, The Batman. From Hollywood to the local comic book shops, we uncover all the latest details on The Dark Knight and discuss them in depth here Continue reading

‘The Weekly Bat-Signals’ with Shawn Warner, Episode 21

Greetings on this auspicious anniversary of the first appearance of our revered Dark Knight Detective.  The year was 1939, the publication was Detective Comics volume one, number twenty-seven and the co-creators were the brilliant Bob Kane and Bill Finger. Little did these two mild mannered cartoonists know that they had touched eternity with their creation and in so doing they had given a gift to the ages Continue reading

REVIEW: “Harley Quinn” #1

(DC Comics, 2013)

Review by Shawn Warner

Written by Amanda Conner and Jimmy Palmiotti
Artwork by Chad Hardin
Color Artwork by Alex Sinclair
Lettering by John J. Hill

This book opens with Harley roaring into a new town, the surviving articles of her past bundled up on the back of her chopper and a talking beaver strapped to the front. Topping the jumble of miscellaneous items Continue reading