REVIEW: ‘Miracleman’ #1

(Marvel Comics, 2014)

Review by Shawn Warner

Written by: Mick Anglo, Mike Conroy, (“The Original Writer”)
Artwork by Mick Anglo, Don Lawrence, Gary Leach
Color Artwork by Steve Oliff
Lettering by Chris Eliopoulos

Art Restoration by Michael Kelleher & Kellustration w/ Garry Leach
‘Marvelman Classic’ Art Restoration by Digikore

I have been waiting for the conclusion of this story since the last issue appeared on the racks a long time ago in a comic book shop not so far away. However collapsed publishers and consequential legal entanglements Continue reading

REVIEW: “Buzzkill” #4

(Dark Horse Comics, 2013)

Review by Shawn Warner

Written by Donny Cates & Mark Reznicek
Artwork by Geoff Shaw
Color Artwork by Lauren Affe

The final issue of Buzzkill is an emotional gauntlet full of gut-level honesty that paints a uniquely authentic portrait of addiction complete with the contrasting moments of cacophonous chaos and the quietude of cathartic silence. Continue reading