Review: Sherlock #1

(Titan 2016)

Script – Steven Moffat

Adaptation – Jay.

Lettering – Amoona Sachin

It was only a matter of time before Titan capitalized on the success of their other BBC adaptation Doctor Who and brought the manga version of Steven Moffat’s Sherlock to the US and UK. Continue reading

Review: Super Terre.r

(Devil’s Due/1First Comics 2016)

Written by Omaha Perez

Illustrated by Tony Talbert (Chapters 2-5)

and Greg Hinkle (Chapter 1 and back cover)

Front Cover by Bob Eggleton

From the very first moment you pick up your copy of Super Terre.r you are thrown into that classic sci-fi realm that was made popular with cheap dime novels of the 50’s and 60’s, where writers like Harlan Ellison and Ray Bradbury were pumping out stories and getting paid by the word, and where men like Isaac Asimov, through his creative look at the science of space travel and robotics, literally transformed the way future scientists looked at those very same topics. Continue reading

Review: Renato Jones: The One % #1

(Image Comics 2016)

Created, Written, Drawn, and Owned by Kaare Kyle Andrews

Lettered and Designed by Jeff Powell

Edited by Sebastian Granger

Flats by Alice Ito

Inspiration – Nicole Andrews

The list of creator-owned comics has been steadily growing in the past two decades.  With the advent of Image Comics “own your work” business model the number of creator-owned properties has exploded with varying degrees of success. Continue reading

Review: Klaus #5

(Boom! Studios 2016)

Written by Grant Morrison

Illustrated by Dan Mora

Letters by Ed Dukeshire

I’ve long been a fan of Grant Morrison, when Klaus came out I made sure to review the first issue.  Retelling a classic tale comes with a certain amount of baggage, the years of preconceived notions, and also a set of crosshairs from “the INTERNET”, which is ready to jump at the first sign of weakness.  Morrison has a pedigree that is among the highest in the industry, one that would allow him a measure of bulletproofing.  He doesn’t need it. Continue reading

Review: Four Kids Walk Into A Bank #1

(Black Mask Studios 2016)

Art/Design by Tyler Boss

Flatting  by Clare Dezutti

Lettering by Thomas Mauer

Wallpaper Design by Courtney Menard

Writing by Matthew Rosenberg

People get into a rut.  You read book upon book, comic upon comic, commenting all the way, and then you realize, am I still doing this because I like it, or because I feel the impending NCBD coming and I’m not caught up on what happened last month?  Then you pick up a book like Four Kids Walk Into A Bank, and you feel the urge to read and write and review some more. Continue reading

Review: Elasticator 1 and 2

(Scout Comics 2016)

Written by A.C. Medina

Art by Kevin Shah

Colors by Ross A. Campbell

Cover by Jean-Francois Beulieu

Letters by Micah Myers

Sometimes it’s all about the cover.  I know it’s an awful way to decide what to read.  I know that my middle school librarian, Mrs. Paulson, would be horrified.  (Along with my librarian mother.)  Continue reading

Review: The Rattler

(Image 2016)

Writer – Jason McNamara

Artist – Greg Hinkle

Editor – Joel Enos

I’m past the “spoiler reveal”.  If you don’t want to know what happens, it’s pretty easy to avoid a spoiler for a day or two, and for the most part, even if I get a spoiler, I’m so far behind in film and television watching that I’ll forget it by the time I actually consume the media.  That being said, and much to the detriment of what I do on this site…

I highly recommend that you not read this review.  The Rattler, by Jason McNamara and Greg Hinkle, is best consumed without any knowledge of it’s contents. Continue reading

Review: The Adventures of Archer and Armstrong #1

(Valiant 2016)

Writer – Rafer Roberts

Penciler – David Lafuente

Inker – Ryan Winn

Colorist – Brian Reber

Letterer – Dave Lanphear

I’ve heard for years about how great Valiant comics are.  For a kid who grew up in the 80’s, and who learned to love comics “the Marvel way”, these books were always ones that I bypassed.  It wasn’t anything agains the books themselves, it was just a preconceived notion that big two books were better.  In later years, I found that there were other companies that were making good books, sometimes great books.  And now we’ve come to a time when the market share, though by no means equal, has begun to tip in the favor of indie books.  Continue reading

Review: Cry Havoc #2

(Image Comics 2016)

Words by Simon Spurrier

Pictures by Ryan Kelly

Inks by Barbara Guttman

Colors by Nick Filardi, Lee Loughridge, and Matt Wilson

Letters by Simon Bowland

“So far…in London, street musician Louise Canton was savaged by a ghostly hound…in Afghanistan she travelled with supernatural soldiers to life the creature’s curse…in the Red Place she’s the captive of the rogue monsters she came to kill.”  That’s issue #1 in a super cool nutshell. Continue reading

Review: The Dark Knight Strikes Again

(DC Comics – 2002)

Frank Miller

Lynn Varley

Todd Klein

After the crazy success of The Dark Knight Returns, there should have been no worry about the release of a second volume in the series.  Eight years after the 1986 release, Frank Miller was back in the world of the aged and curmudgeonly Bruce Wayne, with plans to expand the universe in a way that would bring in many other DC mainstays.  Expectations were high. Continue reading

Review: The Dark Knight Returns TPB

(DC Comics and Warner Books 1986)

Story and Pencils by Frank Miller

Inks by Klaus Janson and Frank Miller

Colors and Visual Effects by Lynn Varley

Letters by John Constanza

There is no denying the effect that Frank Miller can and has had on the comic industry.  His take on Daredevil changed the way we saw the savior of Hell’s Kitchen, and in the same way he changed the way we see Batman still today. Continue reading

The Binge: Deadwood

(HBO 2004-2006)

Created by David Milch

Starring Timothy Olyphant, Ian McShane, Molly Parker, Robin Weigert, etc.

Deadwood is more than a town in South Dakota.  Once a gold strike location, then later the location of that fateful card game in which Wild Bill Hickok was shot, it has been the home base for countless films and television shows since the dawn of them moving picture.  But in the early 2000’s David Milch changed the game, and the face of that little South Dakota town, forever when he created the show Deadwood for HBO. Continue reading

Review: Black Jack Ketchum #1

(Image Comics 2015)

Written by Brian Schirmer

Art by Claudia Balboni

Letters by Rob Bowman

There are not enough Western comics in my opinion.  Each and every time I see one I get a little excited.  Even when something is described as having “western” as it’s narrative base, that’s pretty much enough for me.  I always jump on a new western title.  Black Jack Ketchum #1 was no different. Continue reading

Review: Giant Days Vol. 1

(Boom! Box 2015)

Created and Written by John Allison

Illustrated buy Lissa Treiman

Colors by Whitney Cogar

Letters by Jim Campbell

One can’t be involved in the world of comic book fandom, trudging through weather to get your new books and chat with the regulars, without getting that one person who slaps you on the back and thrusts a book into your face saying, “you gotta read this.”  Continue reading

Lost in the Longbox Ep. 29: The Incredible Hulk #296

(Marvel Comics 1984)

Written by Bill Mantlo

Art by Sal Buscema and Gerry Talaoc

Letters by Joe Rosen

Colors by Bob Sharen

The Hulk is a first for many comic readers. When I was a kid there was a cartoon and a live action show. Everyone can connect with the “man inside the monster” story on some level, and being able to throw a car into space is pretty cool too. Continue reading