Review: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #2

(Boom! Studios 2016)

Written by Kyle Higgins

Illustrated by Hendry Prasetya

Colors by Matt Herms

Letters by Ed Dukeshire

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers is back, and the second issue is just as strong as the first, maybe even stronger. Jumping right in with its theme of “Who am I?” the comic starts off with Billy, the Blue Ranger, and Trini, the Yellow Ranger, working on the Dragon Zord. Continue reading

Review: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #1

(Boom! Studios 2016)

Writer: Kyle Higgins

Illustrator: Hendry Prasetya

Color: Matt Herms

Letterer: Ed. Dukeshire

On August 28, 1993 children all over America, including three-year-old me, sat glued in front of the television as the Power Rangers formed for the very first time. I watched the show for years and had all things Yellow Ranger. And even after I had stopped watching, the show stayed with me throughout my life, which is why I was so excited to do this review. Continue reading

Review: Robocop: Dead or Alive Vol. 2

(Boom! Studios 2016)

Writer- Joshua Williamson

Artist- Carlos Magno

Colorist- Marissa Louise

Letters- Ed Dukeshire

RoboCop is one of the quintessential ultra-violent 80’s action movies that a lot of us grew up on.  I quote it about as much as any other movie of its genre.  “Book him…he’s a cop killer.”, and you can’t forget, “The Tigers are playing… (drums the table) tonight! I never miss a game.”  Continue reading

Review: Klaus #2

(Boom! Studios 2015)

Written by Grant Morrison

Illustrated by Dan Mora

Letters by Ed Dukeshire

Cover by Dan Mora

As the Christmas season speeds by, we need to focus on the things that were extolled in those holiday Christmas specials we all enjoyed as children.  The joy of family and friends nearby, the lopping of body parts, the wonder of Santa… Continue reading

Review: Broken World #2

(Boom! Studios 2015)

Written by Frank J. Barbiere

Illustrated by Christopher Peterson

Colors by Marissa Louise

Letters by Ed Dukeshire

Frank J. Barbiere has a pretty great record in comics. His Five Ghosts was a successful Kickstarter project that proved so popular that Image Comics picked it up and made it an ongoing series. Continue reading