REVIEW: “Amazing Spider-Man” #700.2

(Marvel Comics, 2013)

Review by Shawn Warner

Written by David Morrell
Artwork by Klaus Janson
Color Artwork by Steve Buccellato

The second part of David Morrell and Klaus Janson’s wonderfully poignant “Frost” story in Amazing Spider-Man #700.2 seems to be surrounded by controversy. Writer Morrell is not at all happy with the Continue reading

REVIEW: “Amazing Spider-Man” #700.1

(Marvel Comics, 2013)

Review by Shawn Warner

Written by David Morrell
Artwork by Klaus Janson
Color Artwork by Steve Buccellato

Peter Parker has returned! Well, sort of anyway.  It’s not a full-fledged re-establishment of Amazing Spider-Man but it is a five issue mini-series set in the time before Spider-Man became superior, back when he was just amazing and Peter was in the suit as well as the body Continue reading

REVIEW: “Superior Spider-Man” #23

(Marvel Comics, 2013)

Review by Kenneth Kimbrough

Writers: Dan Slott & Christos Gage
Pencils: Humberto Ramos
Inks: Victor Olazaba
Colors: Edgar Delgado
Letters: Chris Eliopoulos

Sometimes, all you want from a Spider-Man book is some symbiotes, spider-bots, and subplots. In this issue, Dan Slott and Christos Gage deliver that in spades. After the previous issue’s exposition-heavy script, I’m glad to see many of the story threads move forward. Continue reading