Review: Army of Darkness: Furious Road

(Dynamite 2016)

Writer: Nancy A Collins

Art: Kewber Baal

Colors: Schimerys Baal

Letters: Simon Bowland

Cover A: Tyler Crook / Colors: Vinicius Andrade

Cover B: Gabriel Hardman / Colors: Jordan Boyd

Cover C: Francesco Francavilla

Cover D: Rony Fleecs

Subscription Cover E: Robert Hack 

The iconic square-jawed demon-killing hero Ash is back, as Dynamite Entertainment brings us the latest chapter in its flagship saga: Army of Darkness Furious Road. Continue reading

REVIEW: ‘Ash and the Army of Darkness’ Annual #1

(Dynamite Entertainment, 2014)

Written by Shannon Eric Denton
Art by Nacho Tenorio
Colors by Isa Santiago
Letters by Bill Tortolini
Cover by Dennis Calero

I grew up on The Army of Darkness. Along with Mel Brooks movies, it was one that I could quote at random and was constantly dropping phrases from into conversation. (Needless to say “gimme some sugar baby” didn’t get a lot of positive response…must’ve been a context thing.) Sam Raimi’s third in the Evil Dead trilogy has always been one of my favorites.

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