REVIEW: ‘Revenge’ #2

(Image Comics, 2014)

Story – Jonathan Ross
Art – Ian Churchill
Lettering – Richard Starkings and Jimmy Betancourt
Coloring – Arif Prianto

*Mature Audiences

Jonathan Ross (Turf, America’s Got Powers) is back with a (re)-Vengeance! Revenge #2 drops this week from Image, and if you thought the first was messed up, wait till you read the second.

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REVIEW: ‘Revenge’ #1

(Image Comics, 2014)

Story by Jonathan Ross
Art by Ian Churchill
Lettering by Richard Starkings & Jimmy Betancourt
Coloring by Arif Prianto & Ian Churchill

I was not alive during the height of the EC Comics craze of the late mid-50’s. I didn’t get the opportunity to see those originals framed in black wire and lazily spinning through the dusty shafts of sunlight coming through the drugstore window… Continue reading

REVIEW: “Mind the Gap” #8

(Image Comics, 2013)

Reviewed by Jared Butler

Writer: Jim McCann
Artist: Rodin Esquejo
Colors: Arif Prianto & Beny Maulana of STELLAR Labs

I was first drawn to the Mind The Gap series by the cover of issue #4.  A young woman in a red hood looking toward an unknown future with a black hooded  ‘Big Bad Wolf’ over her shoulder, ready to strike. At the time I had been reading mostly superhero comics and was looking for something different and I had heard a lot of good things about this title.  So I picked up all the back issues and dove right in. Continue reading