Interview with Rachel Deering

In the Dark – A Comic Horror Anthology
Interview with Creator Rachel Deering
By: Brad Gischia

Everyone has seen how Kickstarter has changed the indie comics industry.  If you have a good idea and good talent there is nothing that can stop you from getting funding.  Millions of people see the site and donate daily to projects they feel strongly about.  What happens when you take a seasoned comic professional and add the Kickstarter gene into the pool?  In the Dark happens.  Thank you Rachel Deering. Continue reading

RearView Review: “Anathema” TPB

(Tiny Behemoth Press, 2012)

Review by Brad Gischia

WRITTEN BY:  Rachel Deering
ARTWORK BY:  Christopher Mooneyham & Wesley St. Claire
COLOR ARTWORK BY:  Fares Maese & Ian Herring
LETTERING BY:  Rachel Deering

A Return to Classic Horror Story Telling.

Greetings from the Wasteland!
*Warning here there be Spoilers!

I came to this book through social media and the wonders of the comic book convention.  (I will not ever stop talking about the wonders of the Con, I don’t want to and you can’t make me.)  I was browsing the list of artists that were going to be at C2E2 when I saw the name Rachel Deering, and upon further digging found the name of the trade she had recently penned, Anathema.  I checked it out and made sure her booth was a stop on my stroll through artists’ alley. Continue reading