REVIEW: ‘Shaolin Cowboy’ #4

(Dark Horse Comics, 2014)

Review by Jeremiah Kielman

Written by & Artwork by Geof Darrow

I love Shaolin Cowboy.  I loved the prose format I was introduced to him in, and don’t know why it’s not done more often.  Baltimore was introduced to us in the same manner, prose with pictures.  Reminds me of the old Hobbit book I had as a kid with the artwork from the Bakshi animated film.  My love of the character and format aside, let’s talk about the latest issue in the latest run.

What a horrid, boring, lazy, stupid run this has been.  We get it.  Kung Fu beats zombies.  We got it three issues ago.  After however many pages of pointless zombie slaughter he is finally shot.  The only way to salvage this story is if the bullet was true and he is dead.

I understand that some people may write stories with graphic novels in mind but you have to give the issue readers something too.  No graphic novels without issue you know?  And as I stated before I love the pudgy pugilist but how many months of pointless fight scenes are we expected to put up with?  Even in graphic novel format forty plus pages of zen zombie slaying would be annoying.

This is not a review so much as it’s a plea to the creative team over there.  Stop.  Please.  Thank you.

Jeremiah Kielman
Alliance Comics
904 Light Street
Baltimore MD

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