Bag and Bored’s ‘Best of 2013’: GALEN GARNER

BEST OF 2013
with Galen Garner

Best Comic Overall

The best comic that I have read this past year was Hawkeye by Matt Fraction. It could be that I love Hawkeye or it could be that I love Matt Fraction. Therefore, I would give all awards and my undying love (next to my wife and soon to be child) to this series. The great work of Fraction with the likes of David Aja and Francisco Francavilla has really been flawless. Also, the concept of Pizza Dog (Lucky) is just brilliant. The way that Fraction makes the dog understand Clint is really funny.

Best Mini-Series – Deadpool Kills Deadpool

Can’t say much other than the title speaks for itself.

Best Single Issue

Can you tell that I love Hawkeye? Also, did you read the issue after the Hurricane Sandy trashed the coast of New Jersey and New York? That was one of those comics that when I finished it I actually had tears in my eyes.

Best Storyline/Arc/Event/etc.

Angela coming to Guardians of the Galaxy this past month was my favorite so far. I really like what Brian Michael Bendis has done with these characters, especially in preparation for the upcoming movie. I look forward to where this storyline is headed. “I AM GROOT!”

Standout Artist of the Year

Jae Lee (Superman/Batman New 52) – I only read the first few issues of this series, but wow. Lee and Greg Pak are outstanding together. There is a beautiful sequence in the first issue of this comic with Catwoman and Batman that is pretty ridiculously awesome.

Standout Writer of the Year

Guess who? Fraction. I mean the guy has Hawkeye, FF, Fantastic Four (sad he left), Sex Criminals, Satellite Sam.

Favorite New Series of 2013

Without saying Hawkeye or GotG, I would have to give this to the new Captain America NEW 52. The little bit that I have read has been really good so far. This series definitely allows Captain America to survive as himself and redefine his character without the likes of the Avengers.

Favorite Comic-oriented film or TV

Wow, save the toughest question for last. I would have to give this to the TV show, Arrow. The CW has hit one out of the park with their second season of the green arrow slinging vigilante. As the characters grow deeper, my anticipation for the next episode grows every week. I love that Deathstroke is a part of the show in the present and that Barry Allen has made his debut. This show has the strength and personality that Agents of SHIELD lacks. Also, the music in this show is freakin’ awesome!


Follow Galen Garner on Twitter:  @bamaredsox

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