REVIEW: “Justice League of America” #9

(DC Comics, 2013)

Review by Zakk Saam

Written by Matt Kindt
Pencils by Tom Derenick
Inks by Tom Nguyen, Allen Martinez
Color Art by Gabe Eltaeb

Forever Evil is in full swing, and it continues this month in Justice League of America. Last month, Martian Manhunter and Stargirl found themselves in a prison full of Justice League members, with each individual cell being personalized for that inmate. Wonder Woman found herself fighting onslaught after onslaught of demon armies, and Shazam found himself in a world where the rules don’t apply.

This month, Martian Manhunter continues to explore the prison, searching for a way out. After losing his mental link to Stargirl and finding himself in a cell of his own, Stargirl enters the prison with the intention of saving the Manhunter.

Peronsally, I haven’t found these past two issue to be really entertaining. That isn’t to say it isn’t a good comic, I think Matt Kindt is doing a good job taking over from Geoff Johns (Kindt originally wrote the backup story about the Manhunter), it just isn’t the story I’m interested in reading. Something just seems out of place. That being said, this issue is a step up from last month’s issue.

Visually, Tom Derenick’s (Trinity, Countdown to Final Crisis) artwork is stellar. My favorite panel feature Martian Manhunter watching his home burn to the ground in a flashback. My only complaint art-wise is that several times through the comic, we see characters get wide-eyed, and it just looks a little awkward.

Overall, there’s not much to say about this comic. I didn’t love it, but I didn’t hate it either. I may drop this book from my pull list until Forever Evil ends, or until Green Arrow shows up again.

Justice League of America #10 is scheduled to be released December 11th, 2013.


Follow Zakk Saam on Twitter:  @ZakkSaam

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