REVIEW: “Uncanny X-Men” #12

(Marvel Comics, 2013)

Review by Shawn Warner

WRITTEN BY: Brian Michael Bendis
ARTWORK BY: Chris Bachalo

Battle of the Atom continues, here in chapter four the Future X-Men play an increasingly large part as the narrative unfolds further. Present day Scott seems in danger of losing control as an inevitable power struggle arises around the question of sending the X-Men of the Past home to their own time. Time travel is not a new idea and there are those who find it to be an over-used plot device employed as a catch-all where ingenuity and inspiration have failed. However I don’t believe that to be the case with Battle of the Atom, yes many of us are still stinging from the slap in the face called Age of Ultron but let’s be fair AU had some pretty darn interesting plot threads touched upon within its ten issue run, they were just abandoned before they were ever really explored, that is not the case with Battle of the Atom. The premise here is very clear, “How best to deal with the X-Men of the Past and the ramifications of the aftermath”, there are no side avenues to get lost on or misleading rabbits to chase down bottomless holes, no there is a clear cut issue to be resolved and Bendis is focused and doing some of his best writing to date. Battle of the Atom is an event story that reads like a really great arc from the Claremont-Byrne era, the stakes are high as is the drama but there are very genuine moments of humor and emotion in this story. The peril and hazard of the effects on the time stream and the presence of these characters out of time are engrossing enough to keep me on board issue after issue.

In this issue we see young Jean and Scott confront some circumstances of their attempt to become masters of their own destinies. Their decision to run away has led to the uncomfortable conclusion that they must seek help from Present Scott and his team. The action is more cerebral than in previous chapters, focusing on character interaction over all out battles. Bendis is a master of bringing out the humanity in super-human characters, adding a touch of the comedic to make them more endearing. Seeing some of these characters interact for the first time is captivating especially the dialogue between young Scott and his older, wiser self. This is the kind of thing that keeps me invested in a story and in the characters involved in that story, Bendis’ genuine dialogue and immensely likeable characters are what raise the emotional stakes when those characters are placed in peril. It is the threat of real consequence that makes any altercation exciting and give the outcome any value at all.  This story is complex without being needlessly complicated it is rich with menace on multiple levels and potential disaster lurks around every corner keeping us intrigued and entertained. This is Bendis at the top of his game and I can’t wait for the next chapter.

Chris Bachalo has been one of my favorite artists since I became aware of him way back in his Vertigo days. He can bring out the lighter emotions so effectively because of the jauntier look of his work; however he is equally adept at bringing the darker more ethereal stories to life. Although his style does not immediately mesh with Frazer Irving or Frank Cho from the previous chapters I think that his art is perfect for the tone of this issue. His expert use of facial expression and exaggerated anatomy lend a heightened kinetic energy to his pages. Marte Gracia’s colors add a vibrancy that brings these pages to life. The only bad thing I can say about the visuals of this issue is that the use of multiple inkers makes the pages seem a little inconsistent, not that one page is bad and one is good, they are just different and that is the problem with using multiple inkers on the same artist in a single issue. I’m never a fan of doing that, unless you are using several different artists’ pencils you should use only one inker if possible in my opinion. That is such a minor complaint when a book is this good that it scarcely registers when reading it.

Over all Uncanny X-Men #12 is a near perfect chapter to an incredibly satisfying event story that has this reader clamoring for more from the edge of my seat. I love what Bendis is doing with his X-Men books and Battle of the Atom is everything you want in an event, everything you could ask for in an X-Men story period. All things considered I give this issue a 4 out of 5 sighting only very minor mis-steps that should not keep anyone from picking this book up. This event is a great time to jump on the X-Books, if you haven’t been reading Battle of the Atom pick up the first four chapters and let the fun begin. This is what comic books are all about my friends, great characters, tremendous story packed with action and intrigue, all wrapped up in a package of amazing artwork, this one has it all. So until next time, see you at the comic book store.


Follow Shawn Warner on Twitter:  @shawnwarner629

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