‘Whovian By Design’ with Franco Romualdez, Episode 3

Review of “Dalek”

Episode 6 – Series 1.

– “Exterminate” –

The 9th Doctor’s one and only season had many ups and downs; “Dalek” easily cements itself as one of the very best of the era. The Episode came right after a subpar two-part story arc, which featured flatulent aliens taking over the British parliament, and thankfully runner Russell T Davies aptly redeemed himself with it. “Dalek” reintroduced viewers to The Doctor’s most dreaded foe in a spectacular fashion, with writer Robert Shearman reminding us why the Daleks mean serious business. These goofy looking aliens may look comical at first glance, but they are stone cold killers.

DALEK-IMAGES-1Death in a can.

In the beginning of the episode The Doctor and Rose find themselves in a private museum stocked with Alien artifacts. They discover that a man who is obsessed with extraterrestrials owns the museum, and that said man is harboring a weakened Dalek. From then on the plot thickens when the Dalek gets re-energized after being touched by Rose, this is due to the residual time-energy she carries from traveling in the Tardis. The Dalek then starts KILLING EVERYTHING in sight. This episode easily has one of the most badass displays of murder I have ever seen on screen, seriously. The efficiency the Dalek displays when killing is second to none. Thankfully the murdering comes to an end when the Dalek begins to show some mercy (a very un-Dalek thing to do).  Watch the episode to find out why!

There are may other interesting plot points in this episode that I have decided to leave out of my review so as to keep it completely spoiler free. The episode is one of the 9th Doctor’s best, as it serves as a perfect introduction of the Daleks to a new generation of Doctor Who fans. Overall the episode is a must watch for all new viewers of the show, because of they way it presents a crash-course on our Hero’s mortal enemy.

That pretty much does it for this week. Don’t forget to join me next week as I say goodbye to The 9th Doctor as he meets his fate at the hands of the Bad Wolf!
– Because if you can’t kill, then what are you good for… Dalek? What’s the point of you?  –


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