REVIEW: “JSA Liberty Files: the Whistling Skull” #1

(DC COMICS, 2013)   –   Reviewed by Feral Fang

whistling-skull-cover_510x785-small1I am seriously in love with ‘the Whistling Skull’.  Only one issue in and I can tell this is going to be a great one, one that will hopefully move from this 6-issue mini-series into a regular title.  Where should I start?  The setting and premise (or what we know of it from this first issue) works so well with Tony Harris’ unique art style that it seems like one couldn’t exist fully without the other.  B. Clay Moore’s script is witty, while still taking the characters and situations serious, to an extent.  This book is silly when it’s serious, and fun when it’s freaky.  Harris’ facial expressions are genius, and his varied character design is definitely something to look at while browsing at your local shop.  Before you buy it, of course – because I highly recommend this title!  It almost feels like an odd off-shoot of ‘Hellboy’, but in it’s own universe, style, etc.  Like it’s in the same genre, if anything.  Not because there’s Nazis (there is), not because the main character’s head is a skull (it is), and not because it deals with supernatural themes (it does).  Basically, if you like things like Hellboy, I think you will like this book.  If you happen to love Hellboy, this is definitely the book for you!  This title feels so classic, so interestingly written and visually awesome, I’d really be surprised if this isn’t a hit.  I, for one, am along for the 6 issue ride, that much I can tell you.  I just really love this title.  Here’s to 5 more stunning issues!

— 5 out of 5 Sailing Rockets



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